Przekaż 1,5% podatku
Pomóż odzyskać normalność Pacjentom chorym na nowotwory krwi!
Przekaż 1,5% podatku
Pomóż odzyskać normalność Pacjentom chorym na nowotwory krwi!

Razem walczmy z nowotworami krwi! AMS | DKMS

Every 27 seconds worldwide, and every 40 minutes in Poland, someone receives a diagnosis that they suffer from blood cancer, and the only hope may be a bone marrow transplant from an unrelated donor.

At AMS, we create a work environment that emphasizes the importance of social engagement as one of the key values of our company. We are proud of our employees who actively support charity initiatives. Now we are directing our efforts to support the registration of potential bone marrow donors in cooperation with the DKMS foundation. Thanks to your participation in the registration campaign, you can be a hero who gives you a second chance at life. Join us and order a registration kit. Together, we can do something extraordinary for others

Give a second chance at life - Register today!

How does registration work?

1. Order online a free registration kit

Rejestracja online!

Answer a few questions and order your registration kit. We will send it to the address you specify.

2. Fill out the form, take a swab

Wypełnij formularz

Fill out the form sent to you, take a swab from the inside of your cheek using the swabs included in the kit.

3. Send the kit back to the DKMS Foundation

Odeślij pakiet

All you have to do is drop it in the Post Office box. Once your swab has been tested and your information has been entered into the database, you will become an active potential Donor. From then on, your application will be considered every time our database is searched for patients in need of stem cell transplants from around the world.

Rejestruję się i pomagam!
Who can become a potential Donor?

Any healthy person aged between 18 and 55 and not significantly overweight can become a potential Marrow Donor. All you have to do is register and be aware of your commitment. Order your package today and help blood cancer patients.

Thank you for your support! Share this message and help us reach more Donors!

O Inicjatorze


Koordynator Fundacji DKMS

Natalia Banasik
Trenerka Działu Rekrutacji Dawców

Zarejestruj się i podaruj szansę na nowe życie.