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Po pobraniu

Long-term donor follow-up

All further donor follow-up is no longer the responsibility of the collection clinic, but of the DKMS. Blood tests are usually no longer necessary.

All further donor follow-up is no longer the responsibility of the collection clinic, but of the DKMS. Blood tests are usually no longer necessary. We will send you a short questionnaire about your health and general condition - for the first time six months after your donation and then once a year until ten years have passed since your donation. Please send it back to the DKMS medical team each time. Our DKMS doctors check the questionnaires very carefully and will contact you immediately if there is a need for clarification.

Of course, you can also contact our doctors at any time outside of the follow-up sessions! They will be happy to answer your questions and help you further under the telephone number 0221 94 05 82-3401.

Frequently asked question follow up

Dlaczego monitorowanie stanu zdrowia Dawcy po pobraniu trwa tak długo?

Dobro Dawców zarejestrowanych w Fundacji DKMS jest dla nas najwyższym priorytetem. Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby spełniać międzynarodowe standardy opieki nad Dawcami i zapewnić im jak najlepszą opiekę.

Why are my blood values checked?

After a stem cell donation, the body regenerates the stem cells within a few weeks. The purpose of checking blood values four weeks after donation is to make sure that the relevant blood values have returned to normal.

How often do I have to have blood samples taken after donation?

Normally, a blood sample only needs to be taken once - four weeks after donation. Only in the case that blood values still need to be checked, the collection clinic will ask you for another control blood sample.

Frequently asked question follow up

Where do I have to send the questionnaire about my current condition and state of health?

Please return the first questionnaire that you receive from the collection clinic after your stem cell donation to the collection clinic.

Please send all further questionnaires for follow-up after six months after your donation to the DKMS Physicians Team.

Will I receive feedback after each questionnaire?

No, you will not receive feedback after each questionnaire, but only if there is a need for clarification. Of course, you can contact our team of doctors at any time - even independently of the donor follow-up!

When will I be contacted by the DKMS after my donation?

In addition, we will send you a questionnaire as part of the donor follow-up six months after your donation for the first time and then once a year until ten years have passed since your donation. Our medical team will contact you immediately if, contrary to expectations, there is a need for clarification.

I no longer want to participate in the follow-up, what do I have to do?

If you no longer wish to participate in the follow-up, please simply note this information on the questionnaire or call us: Phone 0221 94 05 82-3402.

Frequently asked question follow up

I would like to know how my recipient is doing, what do I need to do?

Shortly after the donation, we will tell you some key data about the recipient of your stem cells in a follow-up conversation - if you wish: The age, the gender and the country where the transplantation will take place. Further information on the topic

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